Umair, what’s in your breakfast bowl man? This is your same old America bashing rant, just with a slightly different title and old socialist imagery. From what I can see you live in London, write for Harvard Business Review on occasion where your wiki pages says you focus “on capitalism and creating prosperity in the 21st century”. You’ve published a few books and started a few enterprises. You appear to have done pretty well for yourself in this capitalist game you seem to detest. I find it difficult to believe statements like “…while my kids struggle for healthcare, food, and education?” Unless you are really just not money savvy, which I doubt, I would not think your kids should not want for food.
There is an old saying in marketing that goes like this; “If you are going to be someones white knight you had better make a dragon to slay.” My sense is that the world has plenty of problems, but the world has always had plenty of problems. Spotlighting a few of them over and over, while ignoring all the positives feels like dragon making to me. The end of the world has been predicted by “smart people” for centuries, and likely millennia. In reality, the biggest problem that confronts us is population. There is just plain too many of us already and the trend lines don’t show it getting better soon. Whatever else the future holds, when consumption of food out paces the rate of photosynthetic conversion of sunlight into carbohydrates, all the rest will be pointless. It will not be America that leads humanity down that path, but our kin in Asia, who are already well on their way.
I find your writing, at least here in Medium, ….surprising.