Very well written Cynthia. I can see why you won so many awards and accolades. Though I am not a “Trumpist”, I see that your rant avoided a few realities however; Steele dossier, Russian collusion, federal court house in Portland under attack, police station in Seattle burned to the ground, Minneapolis set on fire, Adam Schiff’s endless lies, Pelosi making all Reps “enemies of the State”….while overindulging on her designer ice cream, Chuck Schumer threatening a Supreme Court justice. Of course everyone would want a return to that….of course we should all prefer that. And of course that will be the response from the left to Republicans taking back the House and Senate in November. But that’s the leftist view of Democracy. It’s only a Democracy if they win. Otherwise Democracy will be dead and Republicans will have killed it. What a load of shit!….but very well written.