Vladimir Biden!!!
I just listened to Joe Biden, a sitting President, rant and rave about the Republican Conservative opposition in this country being a threat to our democracy. I was shocked and angered that the President of the United States could say such vulgar and vile things about so many millions of people for whom he is supposed to be a leader. His words were to the words of a dictator; far worse than anything Donald Trump ever did, and he did plenty. If there is a threat to our Democracy it is Joe Biden and the leftist Biden Democrats!
As I listened to him rant on I could not help but draw parallels to the recent speeches from Vladimir Putin when he assailed all Russians with a view other than his about Russia’s war in Ukraine, calling them “scum and traitors”; threatening them with “a necessary cleansing of society”.
And the similarities between Putin and Biden’s speeches are staggering. Both drove wedges of fear and anger between neighbors and family members. Both demonize that part of the population that has a different view they do not like. Both delivered their messages against a staunch military backdrop. (Though Joe’s red-as-hell backdrop channeled even more evil.)
So, was that Joe showing America the clear colors and intents of the Democrat Party? It certainly appears so. History shows that it’s likely going to cost them though; “deplorables”. Americans have many differences, but they are one people and will stand with each other when times demand.