Well Karen. Your story actually points to why democracy is alive and well in America. In our democracy he or she who gets the most votes, specifically in an Electoral College sense, wins. That’s exactly what happened; a proof of democracy unto itself.
Now, you and many others can be unhappy with that outcome, but it should not be painted as a failure of our democracy. The reason Mr Trump got elected is because a large portion of the country had seen the previous administration (perhaps administrations) had abandoned them. Whether it was job loss or stupidly high unemployment, what they saw as a denigration of the country or the dumbing down of religious conviction…or any number of other politically driven misdeeds perpetrated by the political elite of the DC Swamp…they wanted change. In Trump they got it….warts and all. Just imagine if he hadn’t had all that politically, behaviorally and socially challenging baggage. Would he still have won? Maybe. But to me it was his “unWashingtonDC-like” demeanor that got him elected, despite his many flaws.
You can disagree with current political realities, and find fault in folks like Lindsay Graham, but so far, the country…meaning the average person… is better off because of what the President has achieved in his tenure…even against a headwind of political discourse. The ability, in fact invitation, for you and I to have a differing opinion is another sign that our full and open democracy is alive and well. If it weren’t, neither of us would be able to express our opinions as openly as this.