Well said Steve…
Hamas is a cancer. Like all cancers it needs to be surgically removed, irradiated and fed toxic chemicals until it finally dies.
While I abhor the killing of innocent Palestinians I celebrate the death of every member of Hamas. Until they are gone Palestinians will always be pawns in their sick game.
Similarly, any individual, group or government who funds Hamas should be held complicit in the atrocities they have rained upon the Palestinians, and others, and purged from the civilized world. Thinking that Hamas and its actions are somehow OK is testament to the sickness that infects them.
My solution? It’s simple. Hamas should surrender. They claim they were afraid their craziness was being forgotten and wanted to do something so dramatic, so sick as to grab the worlds attention. Well, they have done that. So why not surrender and save thousands more innocent Palestinians from death or dismemberment? Why not show some balls and act like humans rather than animals?
Seems sensible to me, but then….we are talking about Hamas.