Well written Kimberly. I too am conflicted at times about Trump. He is polar even within himself; a smart guy who often (in my opinion anyway) does dumb things.
However, if I put him aside for a moment and look at the left, those supposed alternative voices scare the crap out of me. They are all over the place. Their “position” moves from day to day, topic to topic, moment to moment. They apparently have no core values. They make promises they know they can never really deliver. They spend theoretical money that doesn’t even exist. They denigrate the ideas of law and order and the rule of law. They are soft on crime and hard on the unborn. They will not put a mass murder to death, despite laws that allow and a public that calls for it, yet they seek an OK for late term abortion. They seek to support and fund people in our country illegally while ignoring the needs of those legally here homeless. There are so many more problems like that on the left it’s hard to see who they really are.
Given that choice, I’ll probably take Trump, warts and all.