Why aren’t we talking about: Sanctuary Cities
It should not be a surprise to anyone that we have a crisis in the sheer number of migrants entering through our southern border each day. 1.2 million as of August 2022 according to the US Customs and Border Protection official numbers; plus 500,000+ known getaways. You would have to be an idiot to think this is not a crisis.
By far and away the social, financial, and logistical burden has fallen upon our border states; particularly Texas and Arizona. It’s apparent the current administration is either incapable of fixing this or reluctant to for political reasons. But that’s pretty much political bullshit and not the point of my writing anyway.
My point is that everyone knows this is happening. Everyone knows that the vast majority of the migrants need help. So why aren’t our sanctuary cities offering sanctuary? Why aren’t they sending ambassadors to the southern border and offering to take these folks in? Lord knows almost all of them need the sanctuary these cities, and in some cases counties and states, trumpet about offering. Here’s a partial list of sanctuary cities as of 2021.
Berkley, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Napa, CA; San Francisco, CA; Santa Ana, CA; Watsonville, CA; Aurora, CO; Denver, CO; East Haven, CT; Hartford, CT; Iowa City, IA; Chicago, IL; New Orleans, LA; Amherst, MA; Boston, MA; Cambridge, MA; Concord, MA; Lawrence, MA; Newton, MA; North Hampton, MA; Somerville, MA; Baltimore, MD; Lansing, MI; Jackson, MS; Newark, NJ; San Miguel, NM; Ithaca, NY; Eugene, OR; Springfield, OR; Philadelphia, PA; Providence, RI; Alexandria, VA; Burlington, VT; Montpelier, VT; Winooski, VT; Seattle, WA; Marysville, WA
If you’re going to talk the talk you need to walk the walk!
Suffice to say that there are a lot of cities that present themselves as “sanctuary”; it’s a “do good feel good” thing; and generally commendable. But if they want to be known for providing “sanctuary” they should not be waiting for Texas Governor Greg Abbot to send a bus load to them and then whine about it. Abbott shouldn’t have to do that. They should be volunteering to help those migrants. Should it all fall to the residents of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California? Shouldn’t all of these cities be opening their arms and welcoming the 100’s of thousands of needy migrants into their sanctuary?
And then there’s Lori Lightfoot!
Few in history, even Chicago history, have gotten so many things so wrong. I won’t go into details. Just type “Chicago problems” into your search bar and read away. It’s a long and deep litany.
Most recently though Ms. Lightfoot set a new standard for political double talk. As the Mayor of a long-touted sanctuary city Lori took a crap on her neighbors by deporting the migrants that arrive in Chicago to surrounding suburban towns and cities, even when they were outside of Chicago’s sanctuary borders. She just shoved her sanctuary city bullshit story off on her neighboring communities. Lawsuits are in the works.
Washington DC and New York…bitch and moan because they get a few migrants. Both these cities claim “sanctuary” status since the above list was compiled. It was a fun thing to claim, until it became time to live up to it. Both Mayors (Muriel Bowser and Eric Adams) both yelled and screamed and whined and moan about having to bear a tiny part of the migrant load compared to Texas and Arizona. They we on TV trying to generate some soundbites to draw attention to their plight, begging the Biden Administration for financial aid. Of course they are not going to get it because the Biden Administration refuses to acknowledge that the border and migrant load is a problem. According to VP Kamala Harris, “the border is secure”. Her statement is so far from reality that even staunch democrats like Joe Manchin said that was simply not true. Similarly, Presidential Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that immigrants were not just “walking across” the border. Both of these are clear examples of huge disconnects from reality, from people who are supposed to be able to communicate clearly, if not truthfully.
Sanctuary Cities: Hung out to dry.
The Biden administration has no plan to help the sanctuary cities because that would require that admit there’s a problem. That’s just a bit too much truth for their game plan. So until the Biden Administration either stops ignoring the southern border situation, and lying to America about it, or the Republicans take back control of Congress, our sanctuary cities should not expect any help; leaving them hung out to dry.