3 min readApr 29, 2020


Really, I’ve had enough. All the news hype. First about Obama endorsing Biden. Then about Hillary. Really? Did they have a choice? The real story is why they waited so long. Why wait until your “choice” of who to endorse is down to only one person, and thus no real choice?

Probably more frustrating than this non-story story is the way the left-leaning media touted it as something special. Some reason to revisit all the cute pictures of past buddy-buddy times. I chose Joe because I know Joe. Joe and I go way back. He’s the kinda guy we really need. Bull shit! They endorsed him because they have no choice. They would have endorsed Chuck the Duck. It’s not like they would be allowed not to endorse someone, right? And with only one guy left the endorsement really means nothing more than party compliance.

What would have been a story is if they had chosen not to endorse Biden. There is plenty of reason to remain on the sidelines. Joe is obviously dealing with age-onset cognitive decline; which is OK, he is old. His history time line is full of land mines including his dealings with China, Ukraine, the way he dealt with Anita Hill, his penchant for uninvited shoulder squeezes, the current sexual assault claims from Tara Reade. But no! They had to. It was never a question of if, only a question of when.

There is little doubt that the Dems are giving a lot of thought to whether he would actually make it through the stress-laden gauntlet that is the Presidency. If they are not they are more blind to reality than I thought. He’ll be 78 this November. If he did win the election he would be the oldest President ever elected, and 8 years older than Trump was when he became the oldest at 70.

So the key to the tune of this dance is the person who would be his VP. Of course the person they will choose will be the most qualified and most respected person available for the job… long as it’s a woman. Now, for clarity, I have nothing against a woman being a leader. In my time I have promoted women into positions where I ended up reporting to them. Some make great leaders. My point has nothing to do with gender. It is only the political absurdity of making it a prerequisite. But again, did Joe have a choice? Could he have chosen a younger male partner…say Cory Booker? Nope! Perhaps Cuomo? For a moment he looked like a golden boy, but then the impact of his lack of sensitivity to the need for action against the corona virus in New York bumped him off any such list. Anyway, it has to be a woman. That’s how they make up for Hillary losing.

The guy on the other side of the ballot has got more than his share of issues as well. The difference is that no one is trying to make something out of Trump that he isn’t. It would be impossible to camouflage him, and he probably wouldn’t allow it anyway. With Trump, you get Trump. With Biden you get great-grandpa….or maybe some yet to be determined VP if he can’t make the long haul to 2025, when he’d be 83!

We’ll have to wait and see who Americans chose to lead us.


Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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