Wow!!! A lot of opinions, biased by (mis)perceptions and wanta-believe stories. How we got here and how it effects “us” can be blamed on anyone or everyone. It’s just a matter of the “facts” you choose to cherry pick and the interpretations you choose to give them. The real issue should be what the Ukrainian people want. They do not want what Putin and his ilk have to offer and are willing to die to prevent it. They want freedom. Because they knew that freedom and Putin’s Russia are polar opposites, and Putin is the local school yard bully with a history of beating up on the littler kids to take their lunch, they sought the protection of NATO. Because of them choosing the freedom and security of NATO over him Putin has chosen to try to take them by force whether they liked it not. Poor little Vlady! The problem is that because of him Russia can never rejoin the world. In stead they will take their place along with Hitler’s Germany and Hirohito’s Japan…existing only in history.