3 min readSep 22, 2022


Wow! There's so much to unpack here Charles; I needed a minute to sort it out.

1. Yes, I do say.

2. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, the southern border is a crisis. It was never good, but Biden's signaling and reluctance to secure it have levated the problem to worst ever status.

3. Abbot has been sending illegal immigrants, a tiny percentage of those illegally entering Texas every day, for some time. The result has not drawn the attention to the crisis that is needed. DeSantis joined the fray in the hope that it would get the frontpage attention it needs. It worked. Not that I expect Biden's team to come up with anything like a functional answer. They can't. The only answer is to close the border, and he can't do that because he's being held hostage by the far left.

4. Biden "cover of darkness" movement of illegal immigrants all over the country should be viewed for what it is. If it was all on the up and up, and all the citizens of those destination communities were on board with the idea, why the dead of night execution? To answer your question about if the communities know they're coming, so folks I know in those areas had no warning before it was announced in the local news. Maybe someone knew, but not the local citizens.

5. Speaking of group-mind, there is no better example than the left and their liberal media cohorts. Anyone who watches the news of read mass media like the NYT should quickly see that they all repeat the same "talking points"...most times word for words. Those talking points are generated by either the DNC or liberal leaders in Congress. That is not accidental. They spew the same dogma because that's the plan. Diverse opinion just isn't good enough.

6. I lived in San Jose, California for many years, from when it was covered with orchards and known more for canned fruit than canned tech. It became a "sanctuary city" when it was all the political rage to do so. And of course, all those needing sanctuary, for whatever reason, showed up. Crime went up, homelessness went up, trash in the streets went up and taxes went up to pay for it all. I left.

7. I absolutely believe in States Rights. That's why I now live in Texas.

8. The federal government is not doing what it's legally responsible to do. If it was, the southern border would be secure and you and I would not be having THIS conversation.... and millions of illegal immigrants wouldn't be flooding into our country.

Legal immigration demands a controlled border and a mechanism that allows for them to pursue a better life. This current border mess does not allow for them to go down that path. They will instead be caught up in the "system" for years if not decades.

9. I assume you have no problem with the 500,000+ "known got-aways" either. All that's OK too right?

500,000! And that's probably an underestimate. That's a major city full of people that have no legal basis at all for being here...and never will have. And what about the potential for criminal gang members or terrorists to sneak in? You and Joe and your liberal friends might think that's OK. But for many of us that's a freakin' crisis within a crisis.

10. Whether you believe it or not, many millions of Americans think our porous southern border is a problem. But Biden and company simply are not listening. Last year, I think about the time, Biden declared on national TV that the border was under control. A laughable idea, even then. Those of us who believe in secure borders and the value of living in the greatest country in the world are scared and more than a bit angry that this crisis is being not just down-played, but ignored by the current administration and find it necessary to bring the problem to their doorstep. I don't think that action is going to go away any time soon, because I do not think that the Biden liberals have a clue as to what to do.




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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