You are so right Jessica. Not all opinions matter, and that coming from a person who has opinions about everything. How ironic.
As I’ve said before, I read your opinions from time to time and can see where your going in the first 2 paragraphs…even though it takes you another 2000 words to get it done.
Reality check! Police are not beating or gassing peaceful protestors all across America. I know that is your narrative, but you really should get your facts straight. A few instances of police over reacting to gangs of “peaceful protesters” throwing bottles or bricks or even Molotov cocktails did occur. But look at the evidence. 100’s of police officers were injured and a few were killed. 1000’s of innocent private citizens were threatened, beaten or otherwise traumatized. 1000’s of small businesses were looted and burned. This was the action of the peaceful demonstrators that raged through our streets. I’m surprised how well those police contained themselves.
Reality check #2. When the police set a line of defense around a monument or building or person and people attack that line they should expect to be held back. If those people persist in pressing those barriers they should expect an increasing scale of push back. If they go too far they are breaking the law and thus are subject to arrest and the use of force needed to make that arrest.
Finally, not all opinions matter; yours, mine or anyone else’s, unless of course the reader chooses to give that opinion some credence. Otherwise, we are all just babbling in our hats.